My Story

The Group

I am a member of a collective of skilled independent and freelance software developers. Over the past decade, we have successfully served diverse clients across various countries as outsourced freelance developers. Our track record demonstrates reliability and a commitment to delivering high-quality software solutions.

In Laos, my focus lies in developing tailored information systems for insurance management, school administration, and fitness management. Our ultimate goal is to establish an organization of dedicated professionals dedicated to delivering exceptional IT products and services.

Field of Interests

Below are the services that may be offered to the clients.

Project Title


I hold a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in Marketing. My educational background equips me with knowledge in areas such as marketing research, distribution management, product management, brand management, personal selling, pricing management, and internet management. Over the past years, I have been part of a group of professional independent and freelance software developers, serving clients globally. Our track record demonstrates reliability and a commitment to delivering high-quality software solutions.

Currently, I am pursuing a Master’s in Information Technology, which positions me to capitalize on the growing demand in the tech industry. This advanced degree will enable me to contribute effectively to IT projects and further enhance my skills in areas like database systems, software design, information security, and human-computer interaction.

My long-term goal is to create an organization and lead the dedicated professionals focused on delivering exceptional IT products and services.

Project Title

Training & Development

With a decade of experience, I have served as an Enterprise Coach, Facilitator, trainer, and resource person specializing in Financial and Organizational Management. My expertise lies in guiding organizations toward effective financial strategies, optimizing processes, and fostering growth.

Additionally, I bring 8 years of hands-on experience in software development. My technical skills encompass the ASP.NET framework, C#, JavaScript, T-SQL, Business Intelligence, and WordPress. Through these technologies, I have contributed to building robust applications, enhancing user experiences, and ensuring data integrity.

My passion lies in bridging the gap between business needs and technological solutions. Looking ahead, I aspire to continue making impactful contributions in the ever-evolving field of software development.

Project Title

Software Development

Systems Developed and Deployed:

  • Insurance Management Information System (IMIS):
    1. - Designed to streamline insurance processes, track policies, claims, and customer information.
    2. - Enables efficient communication between insurers, agents, and clients.
    3. - Ensures data security and compliance with industry standards.
  • Fitness Management Information System (FMIS):
    1. - Tailored for fitness centers and gyms.
    2. - Manages member registrations, class schedules, attendance, and billing.
    3. - Provides insights into member engagement and facility utilization.
  • Online Learning System (Moodle-based):
    1. - Leveraging the Moodle platform, this system facilitates e-learning.
    2. - Offers course management, content delivery, assessments, and collaboration tools.
    3. - Supports educators and learners in a virtual classroom environment.
  • School Management Information System:
    1. - Customized for educational institutions.
    2. - Handles student records, attendance, grading, and communication.
    3. - Enhances administrative efficiency and parent-teacher interactions.
  • Insurance Brokerage Management Information System:
    1. - Specifically designed for insurance brokers.
    2. - Manages client portfolios, policy comparisons, commissions, and renewals.
    3. - Improves client service and streamlines brokerage operations.

These systems demonstrate your versatility in addressing diverse organizational needs. Our expertise spans both technical development and effective deployment, contributing to the success of various businesses and institutions.


These are the following deployed projects and are still in operation.

Contact Me

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Contact Info


Vientiane Capital,



020 9962 5343

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